Saturday, December 26, 2009

Here are some pictures of the most recent baptsims that we had.
This first picture is of Adoración, the grandmother of the family in Cariñena that is slowly growing in numbers of saved members of the family.

Here is John Jairo, who we met through a business group. John was saved but not attending church. It was a great thrill to see him getting baptized, as well as seeing his two older daughters starting to attend the youth meetings.

This is Elisabet, who recently has experienced a revival in her life. Besides getting baptized, she has also been faithfully going out to evangelize with our group to the towns every week.

Antonio, along with his wife, Lucy have been encouraged in their spiritual walk by José Manuel and Belen from Cariñena, making them a kind of spiritual grandchildren for us.

Another Antonio is the grandfather of a couple of the young men from our youth group. Daniel asked is to go visit him when we were still not sure of his salvation. When he got baptized here, he clearly expressed his faith in Jesus Christ as his Saviour.

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